Celebrating 20 Years… and a New Look!
Founded in 2001 and named after Fuller Seminary Board of Trustee members William and Delores Brehm, the Brehm Center’s mission is to integrate worship, theology, and the arts for the renewal of church and culture. The original Brehm Charter states, “We believe that God is the original artist, the first Creator. By engaging expert faculty, world-class artists, and visiting scholars to investigate the theory and practice of making art in ministry, we hope to inspire a new generation of thoughtful, creative, and culturally engaged leaders that can wisely speak into the church as well as beyond its walls.” Twenty years later, the Brehm Center is positioned even more strongly to serve artists and ministry leaders in our changing times.
Historically the Brehm Center has housed a number of arts- and worship-based initiatives with notable reach and creativity. In this new season, we want to listen well to the artists and ministry leaders who engage with our programs. In a survey last fall, they told us that at times it’s been difficult to track what we are doing across multiple initiatives. So as a part of our 20-Year celebration, we’re making our resources more accessible. Part of that is renaming our initiatives to make their offerings clearer.
The Ogilvie Institute of Preaching is now Brehm Preaching A Lloyd John Ogilvie Initiative
Reel Spirituality is now Brehm Film
Visual Faith is now Brehm Visual Art
Fred Bock Institute of Music is now Brehm Music A Fred Bock Initiative
Our hope is that by clearly naming what we offer, our Students and Learners can quickly access the resources, inspiration, and community to support their ministry and creative process.
We are excited for the ways these initiatives will continue to work closely together to bring you integrated worship and arts experiences. Be on the lookout for stories and memories that mark our 20-year ministry with Fuller. We will release these stories throughout the year, and hope you will celebrate with us.
Please reach out if there is anything we can do to support your important work. Want to stay in the loop about worship and arts and Fuller? Join the Brehm Center mailing list here.
With You in Christ’s Creative Renewal,
Your Brehm Center Team
Shannon Sigler, Executive Director
Jennifer Ackerman, Director, Brehm Preaching
Erin Brockway, Program Administrator, Brehm Preaching
Rob Johnston, Professor of Theology and Culture & Brehm Film Co-Director
Kutter Callaway, Professor of Theology and Culture & Brehm Film Co-Director
David Taylor, Professor of Theology and Culture
May Kytonen, Brehm Residency Manager
Ed Willmington, Director, Brehm Music
Ruth Schmidt, Director of Programming & Operations; Brehm Film Co-Director
Maria Fee, Director, Brehm Visual Art