Doing Justice: Environment
Jan 23, 2024

Pope Francis’s first encyclical, “Laudato Si,” was released June 18, 2015 and called for a global, interfaith, ecumenical movement to address climate change. It was viewed as a “blistering indictment of the human failure to care for the earth…a poignant description of the momentous choice now confronting every government, corporation, and person on the planet” (The New Yorker).
The purpose of this Micah Intensive is to examine various responses Christians take toward the environment and the care of creation. We will explore the biblical and theological foundations for these responses and consider the question: How can we learn to engage with one another in support of creation care, even while understanding that we may be coming from different starting points?
Here is some of what we will explore together:
- An introduction to environmental justice issues, including climate change, water shortage, wastefulness, and some of the Global Realities of living on the Earth;
- Biblical, theological, and social reflection on four different Christian responses to Environment: (1) Trust God, (2) Save the Earth, (3) Seek Justice, and (4) Obey God; and
- Key Christian scholars and thought leaders who argue for each of these four responses.
If you are interested in this topic for yourself or for your group/organization, please complete our Micah Intensives Interest Form.
Email with any questions.