Micah Intensives Enrolling Now
Jan 20, 2021

Join a Micah Intensive in 2021
As our daily news continues revealing the deep fractures in our society, we need more than ever sacred space for courageous conversation. Micah Intensives are an opportunity to join such a space where, side by side with other Christian leaders and learners, we can wrestle together with God’s call to us in facing some of the most pressing issues of our time.
In a Micah Intensive, you will engage with a diverse small group seeking to learn from the perspectives of others in order to move nearer to the heart of God in responding to issues such as Racism, Immigration, Violence Against Women, Environment, and more. These one-month, entirely online experiences are short but substantial, including curriculum that explores biblical and theological implications of several different Christian responses to each topic, and facilitated small group webinar meetings where you will learn, pray, and discern together.
Come on your own, bring a Micah friend from a previous group, or invite others from your church or community. Micah Intensives are open to anyone longing to discern God’s will for us in response to injustice.
Click here for more information and to register.

Participant Testimonials
From the very first session, it was obvious to everyone in the group that these conversations would be different, and was precisely what we needed. Honestly, these have been some of the most meaningful conversations I have ever participated in with congregants in my ministry career.
I thought it would be hard to get to a place of deep conversation in this format with only five meetings. However, it turned out to be amazing! Our facilitator did a great job of guiding us to a place where we could be open and honest.
The webinar discussions added a beautiful dimension to the conversation on race. The dialogue added a voice, a human face to this complex and complicated issue.
Discerning Ethics: Diverse Christian Responses to Divisive Moral Issues is a collection of essays on sixteen different social justice topics, including twelve that were the foundation of our Doing Justice curriculum used in Micah Intensives. The authors engage these ethical issues by drawing on real-life experiences and offering a range of responses to some of the most challenging moral questions confronting the church today. With an unflinching yet irenic approach, this resource can help Christians as they seek to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Edited by Tim Dearborn, former Ogilvie Institute Director, and Hak Joon Lee, Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Seminary.

Micah Group facilitators are experienced church leaders who are engaged in the convergence of worship, preaching, and justice, have a vision for bridge-building, and are committed to building relationships across denominational, ethnic, gender, and other cultural divides. Our next fully online Facilitator Training course is scheduled for April 15 – May 27, 2021. Email micahgroups@fuller.edu to learn more.

The Well-Formed Worship Leader Cohort is designed to address eight core areas of leadership in the vocation of worship leadership, including themes of spiritual, theological, cultural, and liturgical leadership. In this intimate, 10-week program, you will also examine pressing cultural conversations in worship leadership such as race and technology.
Worship isn’t justice spoken. It’s justice done.