Upcoming Events
Feb 22, 2021

Lent for Pastors with Mark Labberton
Tuesdays, February 23 – March 30, 2021
11:30am–12:30 pm Pacific Time
Join Mark Labberton for a weekly Lent gathering for pastors serving congregations during this especially difficult, protracted, and wearying time.
As a pastor for over 30 years, most of it in the wild and wooly context of Berkeley, California, and now as the president of Fuller, I am deeply aware of the journeys many pastors are taking. I would like to walk with you through these weeks of Lent. Each of these six weeks, I will lead us as we gather online for a time of stillness, biblical readings, and brief reflections, with small and larger group conversations and prayer. Just show up: this is Lent for you—as you lead Lent for others.
— Rev. Dr. Mark Labberton, Fuller Seminary President
(Meeting ID: 952 3377 6552 / Passcode: fuller)
Doing Justice: Immigration
The Ogilvie Institute is excited to announce our Doing Justice: Immigration cohort starting on Fridays, March 5 at 12pm PST. The intensive runs for four weeks and includes weekly webinars, readings, videos, online discussions, and more. Come and wrestle with how God may be calling you to respond to immigration.

April 15 – May 27, 2021
Thursdays, 9-11:30am PDT