We are now Brehm Preaching!
Mar 2, 2021

The Ogilvie Institute of Preaching is now
Brehm Preaching—A Lloyd John Ogilvie Initiative
Dear Preachers,
The Ogilvie Institute of Preaching was founded in 2009 to honor the legacy of Lloyd John Ogilvie by catalyzing a movement of empowered, wise preachers who passionately proclaim the gospel of Christ through the convergence of worship, preaching, and justice. Over the past twelve years, thousands of preachers have joined this movement through participation in Micah Groups, conferences, and workshops, and tens of thousands of people have been impacted by the renewed and emboldened ministries of these faithful and courageous leaders.
This has not been a singular undertaking of the Ogilvie Institute. We were founded as an initiative of Fuller Seminary’s Brehm Center, whose mission aligns with ours: to integrate worship, theology, and the arts for the renewal of church and culture. Preaching is always an act of worship that integrates theology with a variety of art forms—not least, the movement of the Spirit through the preacher’s own creative voice—all of which work together to proclaim a gospel of reconciliation and justice for the renewal of our fractured world.
In a recent survey, you told us it was unclear how the Ogilvie Institute and other initiatives of the Brehm Center are working together. In order to further strengthen and clarify our collective offerings, we are making a number of changes, including a name change for all initiatives. The Ogilvie Institute is now Brehm Preaching—A Lloyd John Ogilvie Initiative. Through revitalization of our collaboration within the Brehm Center, we are expanding and enhancing the research, resources, and programming that will continue to serve you as you serve your ministries.
Our name is changing, but our mission remains the same: to catalyze a movement of empowered, wise preachers who do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, leading others to join God’s mission in the world. Thank you for being a part of this movement and for joining us in our ongoing journey as an organization.
Blessings & Peace,

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Ackerman
Director, Brehm Preaching
The Brehm Center
We join Brehm Film, Brehm Music, and Brehm Visual Art as collaborative initiatives within a single center—all working to integrate worship, theology, and the arts for the renewal of church and culture. Learn more >>