Micah Groups Facilitator Training Enrolling Now!
Mar 8, 2021

Join our spring Facilitator Training to become a
Commissioned Facilitator
Five Weeks | April 15 – May 13, 2021
This small group, fully immersive, online training will give you tools for facilitating courageous conversation in cross-cultural situations, engaging complex topics, and strengthening the convergence of worship, preaching, and justice in your life and ministry. Upon successful completion of this five-week training, you will be a Commissioned Facilitator with access to the First Things curriculum for Micah Group style groups of diverse church leaders, or for any type of group you would like to assemble (an alternate curriculum, First Things for Flourishing, is available for use with non-clergy groups). Cost includes the full First Things curriculum (a $100 value), an online Facilitator Training guide, a training kit that will be mailed to your home or office, and 12.5 hours of guided online instruction in a small group of 8-12 people.
Successful completion of training requires 4-6 hours of weekly homework in addition to attendance at five, 2.5-hour webinar meetings. Homework assignments include reading, viewing videos, completing practice exercises, and engaging in online reflections with your group members between each webinar.

Micah Group Facilitator Training will help prepare you to:
- Create a learning community for yourself and others engaging in the convergence of worship, preaching, and justice;
- Foster a sacred space for courageous conversation around the urgent and complex issues of our day—whether for other church leaders or for groups within your church or ministry community;
- Deepen pastoral relationships that reach across gender, ethnic, socioeconomic, and denominational lines;
- Enhance the unity and witness of the broader church in your community; and
- Develop new tools for helping to foster an authentic, vulnerable group experience in an online environment.
Become an Authorized Facilitator through
Extended Training with Doing Justice
(Requires previous participation in a Micah Group or at least two different Micah Intensives)
Seven Weeks | April 15 – May 27, 2021
This seven-week online training is available for those who are already acquainted with Micah Groups courageous conversation and are ready to facilitate more direct social justice dialogue using our Doing Justice curriculum series. You will attend the same five-week course described above, plus an additional two weeks of homework and webinars, for a total of 17.5 hours of guided instruction. Upon successful completion of this seven-week training, you will be an Authorized Facilitator, with access to the full Doing Justice series, in addition to the First Things content described above.