The Christian life revolves around two focuses: the Cross and the Empty Tomb. We need both to stay growing, faithful, and ready.
Social media may have started with noble promises, but has it started to look a lot like a metaphorical and domineering empire?
Christmas raises all sorts of mixed emotions. But this pain may actually reveal the truth of Christ, the one hope for humanity far from home.
Christians seem to have a complicated relationship with consumerism around Christmas. Spending holidays in Taiwan has emboldened me to look at Christmas in a new light….
This Advent, I find a new sense of solidarity with those Jews who were crying out for their Messiah in a world of problems only a Savior could set right.
Over the past few years, as I have started working closely with indigenous North Americans, my feelings about Thanksgiving have become complicated.
We interpret information based on our relationship with the speaker – so how do we perceive the character of God when hearing and reading scripture?
Why is remembrance so important to God? And how can that help us understand ourselves as part of the greater Asian American family?
Bill Watanabe offers a poetic reflection of death giving way to the life of future generations.
A recent survey finds that independent English Ministry pastors senior pastors reported ethnic identity as less important than their other AA colleagues.