Category: Reflections on Islam
Different Pools, Different Fish: The Mistake of ‘One Size Fits All’ Solutions to the Challenge of Effective Outreach Among Muslims
“Different fields have different grasshoppers; different pools have different fish.” The wisdom of this Indonesian proverb has often been missed in discussions about Islam and…
The Dynamics and Diversity of Islam: South Asian Perspectives
This blog is part of an ongoing series by the speakers for Fuller’s 2016 Missiology Lectures: “Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian Theological and Missiological…
A Muslim Counter-Narrative to Challenge the Islamist Extremist Narrative
This blog is part of an ongoing series by the speakers and table leaders for Fuller’s 2016 Missiology Lectures: “Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian…
Islamic Diversity and Missiological Response
This blog is part of an ongoing series by the speakers for Fuller’s 2016 Missiology Lectures: “Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian Theological and Missiological…
Christian-Muslim Relations: Are Missiologists Getting Brilliant on Old Ideas?
This blog is part of an ongoing series by the speakers for Fuller’s 2016 Missiology Lectures: “Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian Theological and Missiological…
Flush Out Your Toxic Thinking about Islam before Election Day!
As we approach election day, at a time when the question of Islam and Muslims in America has become so divisive, it would be easy…
The Western Frontier
Euro-Islam and the Remaking of Global Faith This blog is part of an ongoing series by the speakers for Fuller’s 2016 Missiology Lectures: “Dynamics of…
Breaching the Divide of Islam: Muslim Women at the Margins
This blog is part of an ongoing series by the speakers for Fuller’s 2016 Missiology Lectures: “Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian Theological and Missiological…
A Call to Love, Not to Fear
No doubt, the American public is rattled after its deadliest terror attack since 9/11. There were the Paris attacks last fall and the Brussels attacks…
Mission in a World Gone Wild and Violent: Challenging the Monochromatic View of Islam from a Silent Majority Position
This blog is part of an ongoing series by the speakers for Fuller’s 2016 Missiology Lectures: “Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian Theological and Missiological…